Finding New Motivation in God: Coming Out of a Season of Apathy
If you’re in a season where motivation feels out of reach, I want to encourage you: you are not forgotten. These seasons of apathy, exhaustion, and even confusion are not signs of failure. In fact, they are often the moments where God is doing His deepest work in us. He sees the frustration, the weariness, and the tears you may have shed in private. He knows how it feels to long for purpose, for movement, and to wonder why things aren’t coming together as they should.
Stop Running from God's Best: Why Settling Will Never Bring You Rest
But I also imagine God looking down at me, His heart torn, as I misunderstood His desires. As though He was pimping me out, and the least I could do was lead these men to Him. When in reality, He was beckoning me to love myself enough not to put myself in situations that were never His will.
I wasn’t called to offer myself up like a sacrificial lamb on the altar of someone else’s healing. God wasn’t calling me to be the savior in someone’s life. He alone is the Savior.