“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!”
2 Corinthians 5:17
How do you get saved?
Admit that you are a sinner.
Acknowledging our sin is the first and most vital step toward salvation. Many of us measure our actions by human standards, thinking small sins like lying or gossip are insignificant compared to others. However, in God’s eyes, all sin is equal and separates us from His perfect holiness. The Bible reminds us in Romans 3:23 that we have all sinned and fall short of God’s glory. This means no one is inherently righteous, and every sin—no matter how 'small' it seems—affects our relationship with God.
The consequence of sin is severe: Romans 6:23 states that the wages of sin is death—an eternal separation from God. However, God’s love offers us hope. Despite our sinfulness, we are all equally undeserving of His grace, yet He offers the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Admitting we are sinners isn’t about condemnation; it’s the first step in accepting God’s love and mercy, realizing we need His salvation to be free from sin’s bondage.
When we confess our sins and turn to God in humility, we open the door to experience the fullness of His grace and forgiveness. He desires us to recognize our need for Him, leading us into a life transformed by His power.
Believe the Good News.
Acknowledging our sin is the foundation of our journey toward salvation. It requires recognizing that, regardless of how we view the severity of our actions, all sin separates us from God’s holiness. Often, we rationalize behaviors like lying or gossiping, comparing them to what we perceive as "greater sins." But Scripture makes it clear: "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), meaning that every person is equally in need of redemption.
When we measure ourselves against human standards, we miss the depth of our spiritual need. God’s standard is perfection, and any sin—big or small—creates a chasm between us and Him. The weight of this separation is eternal. Romans 6:23 teaches us that the wages of sin is death, meaning eternal separation from God. This death is not merely physical but represents a spiritual separation from the Creator, whose perfect love, holiness, and righteousness we fall short of without His grace.
However, the story doesn’t end in condemnation. God’s love offers redemption through Jesus Christ. Admitting our sin is not meant to burden us with guilt, but to help us recognize that we cannot save ourselves. It’s an act of humility and surrender, understanding that we need God’s intervention to restore the broken relationship caused by sin. When we humbly confess our sins and turn to Him, we make room for God’s grace to flow into our lives, transforming us from the inside out.
This acknowledgment is the gateway to receiving God’s gift of salvation. It’s the pivotal moment when we stop striving to earn favor with God and instead receive His love and mercy through Jesus Christ. In acknowledging our brokenness, we open our hearts to be made whole, moving us from spiritual death to life in Christ. This step isn’t just a one-time act but a continuous journey of surrender and renewal, shaping us more into the image of Christ and drawing us closer to God’s heart.
Make the commitment.
Making the commitment to follow Christ is not just a decision; it's a life-altering surrender. Jesus gave His life in exchange for yours, and in return, He invites you to surrender your past—your old ways, habits, and perceptions—at His feet. This is not a passive act but an intentional choice to invite Him into the deepest parts of your heart. It’s through trusting Jesus with the life He has blessed you with that you’ll begin to see true transformation.
When you commit to a relationship with God, you are stepping into a journey where His love will teach you what peace, joy, and true purpose feel like. The voids that once left you feeling empty will be filled with His presence. Your identity will no longer be defined by your past mistakes or worldly standards. Instead, you'll begin to see yourself through the eyes of your Creator—a cherished, new creation in Christ.
The level of intimacy and love you’ll experience with God is unmatched. When you surrender to Him, you begin to see how worthy, forgiven, and loved you are. The past no longer has power over you because your identity is now rooted in Him, the source of all love and peace.
This commitment is the key to stepping into your new life. As 2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds us: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” Your commitment marks the beginning of a divine transformation where the old you fades, and the new life in Christ takes hold.
This isn't a one-time decision; it's a continuous journey of faith, where each day you draw closer to God, deepen your relationship with Him, and walk boldly in the identity He’s given you. Your past will no longer define you, for in Christ, you are made new. The life He has planned for you is full of purpose, hope, and the fullness of His love.
Salvation prayer.
Dear God,
I come to you, to confess that I am a sinner. I can't even begin to list all of the things I've done to displease you, and I ask that you forgive me for every sin I've committed, those known and unknown. I believe that your son Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose again, that I may have eternal life. I turn away from my sins and invite you into my heart. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. I want to do life by your side.
In Jesus' name, amen.