Peace in The Storm
I live on my own (which is an absolute blessing and something I used to pray for profusely), and as much as I love having a house all to myself, something I’m still getting accustomed to is how different thunderstorms feel now that it’s just me. They feel bigger, and so much louder.
The enemy is always trying to attack me with fear and anxiety, and the other night was no exception, but the storm made it worse. I’m not typically afraid of storms, but the enemy doesn’t play fair, so he often instills petty fears where there may have simply been discomfort in the past.
The wind was howling and the rain was coming down so hard that it sounded like hail against the windows! The thunder practically shook the house, and I felt soooo immensely small sitting in my room as I prayed that the power wouldn’t go out.
Now, God is always with me and I talk to Him all the time, but this night…I came to have a much deeper understanding of what it feels like to have Him with me in the midst of a storm. It’s as if the enemy was sitting at my side, yelling into my ear and telling me all of the scary things that could happen when you live alone. All of the scary things that could happen when the power goes out and you’re engulfed in complete darkness. How frightening it would be having to hear loud thunder while you’re stuck in the dark.
Yet, it’s as if Jesus was kneeling in front of me, encouraging and reminding me to continue looking at Him—not anywhere else but in His eyes.
I kept praying that the power wouldn’t go out as I literally fought against a panic attack, and I heard God whisper that it wouldn’t.
“I’m with you beloved, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”
Then, the power went out.
For a split second, a millisecond, I was engulfed in the darkness I had been dreading the entire time—only for the power to kick back on in the blink of an eye.
In that split second, it felt like time stopped. I could hear the enemy jeering and laughing at how rapidly my heart was beating. At how quickly my fists clenched and my breath caught in my throat. That split second felt like eternity, and when the lights came on, I could literally feel God putting the enemy in his place! Satan’s mouth was shut then and there, and a wave of peace washed over me as I sat in awe over my Father’s faithfulness.
If you’re in the midst of a storm, let this be your reminder that God has not left your side, nor will there ever come a time when He does. It may seem like the enemy is winning now, but that will be short lived, as God has already won the victory.
What’s a small battle in light of the entire war?
Talk soon, xoxo