There it was―the path was laid out in front of me, and the door was already open, ready for me to walk through it. This is something God had been speaking to me about since March of 2021, and after what seemed like millions of hours blurring into days, and days blurring into months as I waited for God to fulfill His promise, the moment finally arrived. Oddly enough, now that I was in the thick of it, nothing looked the way I thought it would. Everything seemed to happen in slow-motion, but yet, I couldn't seem to keep up. Looking back, it was one of the most hectic and peaceful snowball-effect moments I've experienced in my life, and I can finally take a huge sigh of relief because the only way from here is up, and God will get all of the glory!
You may be wondering what exactly it is that I'm referring to in the previous paragraph, and I'm so glad you asked because that's exactly what we're about to dive into. About two months ago, God plucked me out of the environment I was in and thrust me into what would be a short, albeit stressful and uncomfortable season of transition―all for the purpose of moving. Now, this move was something God had spoken to me about back in March, so it's not like I was completely oblivious to the fact that this was something I would be doing. I had been in preparation for MONTHS, and when He confirmed His instructions and told me to pack, I didn't hesitate. Little did I know, I wasn't actually going anywhere until much, much later. If you're a believer, I'm sure you can imagine the emotional and spiritual tug-of-war I experienced throughout the entire waiting process. It was pretty rough.
If you had asked me if I was ready to be on my own and pursue my God-given purpose back in March, I would have said yes. Truth is, I wanted to be ready, but I wasn't. I was tired of feeling like I wasn't progressing in life, at least by means of education and career, and I believed that because I was rooted in my faith, I should be able to make it out there on my own. Nothing is impossible with God, right? However, throughout the eight or so months that I was expecting this move, God had a lot He wanted to reveal to me about my purpose. It's one thing to have an idea of what you'd like to do, but what happens when you pursue that thing and find out it's not really your cup of tea? I'm so grateful that God kept me where I was (living with my parents) while I explored my purpose through His gentle guidance and support. Through a series of trial and error, entrepreneurship was solidified as my calling, and it wasn't until September that I truly became aware of my passion to be a blogger and a mentor. In the span of two weeks, God began downloading ideas and strategies for my business and even led me to start a ministry for His daughters, my beautiful sisters in Christ. Although the enemy wanted me to focus on my current circumstance (no job, a broken-down car, and no real "plan"), I chose to focus on my Heavenly Father and remain in His presence. If anyone could set the foundation for my purpose―my business, my ministry―it was Him, the greatest businessman known to mankind.
Something I want to mention and emphasize is that when God calls you to do something, not everyone will agree with what He's doing in your life, and that's okay! Personally, withstanding the opinions of my loved ones served to be one of the hardest obstacles I would face along this journey. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, but being that God literally wouldn't let me leave my parents' house, I had to learn how to navigate walking in faith while constantly being reminded of everything that was up against me. There were times when I started to doubt what God spoke, and there were times I tried to do things in my own strength, which would only result in further frustration and hopelessness. Looking back, it was all intended to build and strengthen not only my faith but my understanding of true unconditional love. I felt like the black sheep in my family, and I was, but God taught me how to perceive the situation and the actions of my family members from a different point of view. They weren't "horrible people" for not understanding what He was doing, they were simply a part of my testimony, which God desired to use to strengthen their faith in Him.
There came a point where the division between my parents and I had to come to an end, and we ended up agreeing that I would be leaving the house by a certain date in November. I hadn't planned on it happening the way it did, and I had no idea where I would go, but I decided to continue trusting God. Many tears and prayers later, lo' and behold, a friend of mine reached out and it just so happened that she was back in Texas to take care of some personal business matters. This individual would serve to be someone that God used to bless me immensely in this transitioning season. Not only did she provide a safe place for me to stay for nearly two months, but she insisted on helping me pay to get my car back up and running. It wasn't easy accepting her help, but God gave me the grace to shut my mouth, put my pride to the side, and let Him move on my behalf. He reminded me of the word He gave me a few days prior where He told me that I would be birthing, and it would be uncomfortable. I had no idea what was in store at that time, but He definitely wasn't exaggerating. Throughout the two months that I stayed with my friend, we got to know each other on a deeper level and strengthened our bond. We spent our days and nights running errands, laughing, praying, and cooking up tasty meals. I thank God for her, and I truly don't know how things would have played out had she not come to Texas.
During these two months, my friend served as a source of guidance and support while I continued to seek God for my next instructions. I failed to mention this earlier, but God revealed the city He wanted me to move to around July or August, so I knew where He wanted me to go, but how did He want me to get there? What did He want me to do when I arrived? Anytime I started to get flustered and overwhelmed, God would use my friend to encourage me to take everything one step at a time. Stressing out over information I didn't have and things I had no control over wouldn't solve anything. And she was right. Per her suggestion, I decided to focus on looking for roommates in the area that God told me to move to. I had no money, much less any inkling on how I would afford rent, but there came a point where I just listed my requests, gave it to God, and let Him take the reigns.
Long story short, God did what only He can do, and on December 1st of 2021, I packed my tiny coupe with everything I owned (almost lol) and drove three long hours to move into a brand new house. It was located just outside of my promised land and for a fraction of the cost I listed in my profile on! Everything lined up and happened in His perfect timing, and I'm just so grateful for His grace that got me through it, otherwise, I would have given up. My family and loved ones came face to face with His glory, and our relationship with one another has been mended by what He did in my life. I have an immense sense of peace and gratitude in my heart, and I wouldn't trade anything I had to experience up until this point, because it all served a purpose. Something I came to better understand throughout this journey is that this walk is not about me. I got another chance to witness first-hand what it truly means for God to use me for His glory. There are some people, some hearts, that may never be reached (or warmed) by God but through what He does in our lives.
I'm in a space where I can now fully focus on the vision that God gave me to reach His children, and I'm beyond excited to see what else He has in store for the remainder of this year. There's only one month left, but that's more than enough time for God to move and shake the foundations of this earth for using those that serve and believe in Him!
If you're going through a situation similar to mine, I want you to know that you WILL get where you need to be in the perfect timing of our Heavenly Father. If He made you a promise, if He gave you instructions, stand on His word!! Don't let the pressure and confusion sent by the enemy get you off track or out of alignment. God is not a man that He should lie, and His word never returns to Him void. Never.
It can be hard to focus on God's promise when we face obstacles that are obviously already manifested in the physical, but I want you to remember that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1). How can we hope for something we already have or see proof of? How can God get the utmost glory out of situations that we have the power to fix on our own? Let God use you, all while pruning and shaping you into the best version of yourself. When it comes time for Him to uproot you, surrender to His process, and make Him your focal point―not the move. This way, you'll be prepared for whichever route He desires for you to take.
Moving on your own (especially for the first time) can be scary, but what's there to be scared about when we serve a big and mighty God? During this experience, I found myself doing things on my own that I never imagined I would have the strength to do. His beautiful Holy Spirit gave me supernatural courage, and instead of being fearful, I found myself feeling extremely excited and full of joy. I was able to laugh about and brush off minor inconveniences along the way that fear would have prompted me to break down and cry over. Overall, it's been such an amazing journey, and I'm astounded at the way God moved on my behalf the entire time. This blog post doesn't cover nearly half of the details from this adventure, but if you're interested in hearing more, please be sure to check out my testimony on YouTube!
If you don't get anything else out of this testimony, I want you to at least grasp this key takeaway, and that is when you're waiting on God, the wait will always be worth it.
Talk soon, xoxo
Originally posted on December 4th, 2021