Walking in Godly Confidence: Breaking Free from Insecurity as a Son of God
If you’ve been struggling with confidence—feeling like you’re not enough, like no matter what you do, you don’t measure up—I want to speak directly to your heart today. Whether you’ve been told that you're too weak, that your dreams are unrealistic, or maybe you’ve been made to feel that your value lies in your achievements, I want to remind you of one powerful truth: your identity is in Christ. The world may try to define you by your success, your failures, or what you can offer, but God defines you by who He created you to be—His beloved son.

Walking in Godly Confidence: Breaking the Chains of Insecurity as a Daughter of God
Maybe you’ve built walls to protect yourself—walls so high that no one can get in. The thought of opening up, being vulnerable, or trusting someone seems impossible because the pain of betrayal has cut you so deeply. Or maybe you were bullied, and the lies spoken over you have become chains, binding your spirit and distorting the way you see yourself. You’ve convinced yourself that you're not enough—smart enough, kind enough, pretty enough, worthy enough.