My Skincare Journey and Tips For Achieving Healthier Skin
Let me be completely transparent in first letting you know that I've never had "horrible" skin, at least not by society's standards. Although I've never struggled with anything like cystic acne, I did struggle with your typical blemishes, inflammation, dryness, whiteheads, blackheads, and scarring. For a while, my skin was overall visually unappealing and therefore conducive to my low self-esteem. I think it's especially important to mention that my worst phases of acne were all triggered by stress, anxiety, and depression―I just didn't realize it at the time. It took a series of events for me to recognize that I wasn't where I wanted to be in life. Not only mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, but physically as well. I can honestly say that the one thing that motivated me to start paying more attention to my body and taking better care of myself, was my relationship with Christ. I learned to see myself through His eyes, which, in turn, led to me showing my temple the respect it deserves. This ongoing trek towards healthy skin and newfound confidence has had its fair share of ups and downs, but I hope to impart some encouragement and wisdom for you to take and apply to your journey.
This selfie was taken in September of 2019, and although I'm using a filter, I want you to see just how visible the blemishes on my face and chest were. To make matters worse, my back and shoulders were trouble areas as well. The acne on my back was triggered by a severe sunburn I received while playing tennis during my previous year of high school (I'd include a picture, but it was something I was so insecure about that I never took any). I was under the ignorant misconception that due to my complexion, sunscreen was unnecessary, so I never used it.
Big mistake.
All it took was one day of constant exposure to the sun for my skin to go into complete panic mode. I got a horrible sunburn and then broke out into an even worse rash, which then turned my back, shoulders, and chest into an acne-prone zone that I wouldn't start to see clear up for another two years. Granted, I never actually put in the effort to treat it because the space I was in mentally led me to cover it up and act like it didn't exist. On top of that, I would end up taking on the habit of smoking, which only worsened my already-poor emotional and physical state, therefore contributing to my cycle of self-sabotage and unhealthy detachment.
January through April of 2020 found me still experiencing the lull and drag of wanting nicer skin, but not putting my best foot forward to achieve it. At this point, I still had my foot in the door, both physically and spiritually, and the fact that I had just undergone a serious breakup didn't make it any easier. Anyone who's been dumped can most likely relate: your confidence is shot, you lose your sense of identity (if you even had one to begin with...that's a story for another time), and you experience the lack of motivation to do anything under the guise of "self-work".
I don't know about you, but I personally struggle with resorting to poor eating habits when I'm going through a difficult time. During the first four months of 2020, my diet was most definitely showing through my skin. I was consuming a lot of dark meat, sugar, carbs, dairy, THC (the main compound found in marijuana), and frankly, I was NOT drinking enough water. Something I've learned throughout this journey is that water is indeed a key to clearing up your skin, but for most of us, that key needs to be paired with other beneficial components such as a healthy diet, vitamins, self-care habits, etc.
March of 2020 was the catalyst in both my faith walk and my decision to take my overall health more seriously. When I say God gave me the motivation to do the work, I'm not kidding. As I started spending more time in His presence, He started putting it on my heart to take the steps towards doing things that would boost my confidence. I made a conscious effort to construct a daily routine that was simple and easy to implement. For example, if my nightly routine included moisturizer and oil, I wasn't allowed to slack off and only wash my face because I was eager to get into bed.
I remember God gifted me with Glow Recipe's Pineapple-C Bright Serum through my mom, something I was beyond excited to implement into my new skincare regimen. I was still working on finding products that worked best for my skin, but boy oh boy did this serum change the game! It smelled soooo good, and when paired with my natural turmeric soap and Neutrogena sunscreen, helped tremendously with evening my skin tone and lightening my blemishes. It's one thing to have a goal and start working towards it, but it's another to actually notice the progress you're making! When the pineapple serum ran out, I was devasted. It was at this point that I learned just how expensive skin-care products can be, and I wouldn't end up purchasing another serum until around June when my skin really started flourishing.
Although I wanted to try more of Glow Recipe's products, my pockets just weren't there. So I had to find an alternative, and the Ordinary is a brand I'll forever stand by. I'll take this moment to say if you don't know what Niacinamide serum is―LET ME PUT YOU ON SIS!!! You know all of those little pimples that aren't really pimples all over your face (mainly your forehead)? Yeah, the itty-bitty bumps that add unnecessary texture to your skin; this serum will have you looking and feeling as smooth as a baby's butt. No joke. Did I mention it's absolutely affordable?
The Ordinary's AHA + BHA peeling solution was another product I decided to try that ended up becoming a favorite. It's a chemical exfoliant that combats blemishes and gives the skin a natural radiance. Something I need to note is that you do NOT want to use this every day. This product is something you use maybe twice a week at the most, as it can irritate your skin when used in excess! On the days I used this solution, I made sure to keep the amount of product I applied to my face afterward to a minimum. A gentle moisturizer by Cerave and some vitamin E oil were always my go-to.
Another product I really recommend is collagen in powder form (and if you prefer pills then those work too)! Yes, a supplement. Now hear me out. I was vaguely aware of the fact that collagen is something that plays a role in our skin's health, but I was unaware of just how significant that role was. I had heard about it countless times through a variety of YouTubers, and to be completely honest, my purpose for purchasing it at the time was actually to promote faster hair growth (my skin and hair journeys have quite literally paralleled, and I'm beyond excited to write about the latter, so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out!). It was only after taking it that I decided to do more research, and found out that collagen is a major component of our body's connective tissues. It's the protein responsible for the elasticity of both our joints and skin. When taking it, you'll notice that your skin is getting softer, more supple, and is producing a natural glow. It's really easy to ingest (I like mixing mine in a warm cup of tea), and it comes in different flavors (including no flavor at all) for you to experiment and try!
But I need to be realistic with serum, soap, or magic-potion-in-a-bottle will be your end all be all when it comes to achieving clear and healthy skin. Yes, it helps to have access to amazing products that are made to help you get there sooner, but it's also important to be conscious about what you're putting into your body and how you're treating your skin. Some questions you should reflect on are:
→ What kind of food and drink am I consuming on a daily basis?
→ Am I getting enough of the nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein, etc) that my body actually needs?
→ How intentional am I about taking care of my skin? Is it something I prioritize or is it something I deem insignificant?
→ Am I making sure to clean/bathe on a regular basis?
→ When I do bathe/shower, what kind of products am I using on my skin? Do these products contain any harsh chemicals or scents that may serve as irritants?
→ Do the lotions/moisturizers I use contain any harsh chemicals or scents?
→ Am I investing in products to protect my skin from the sun?
→ Am I drinking enough water to ensure that my body stays hydrated? (It's recommended that women drink at least 11 cups a day LOL, but I personally drink about 4. This is something I'm definitely still working on!)
→ Is my current physical state due to that of my emotional/mental state?
→ In what ways are my habits contributing to my emotional/mental state?
→ If I'm having a hard time putting the effort into investing in myself, what are some small things I can start doing to boost my confidence? (Keep reading girly, I've got some tips for you! ♡)
What you put into and onto your body, not to mention the patience and love you show yourself throughout this process, is going to determine whether or not you see the results you're desiring while using said products. If you can get into the habit of eating healthier, staying hydrated, and protecting and being gentle towards your skin, the serums, face masks, creams, and supplements you choose to invest in will simply be the cherry on top!
When I was at the onset of my journey towards healthier skin, God gave me the grace to understand that as someone who gets overwhelmed really easily, I needed to start small when it came to setting my skin goals. Meaning, it was unhealthy for me to expect a month's worth of progress to appear overnight. I had to learn to master patience and perseverance, which is key to accomplishing pretty much anything you set your mind to in life. If you're having difficulties bridging the gap between recognizing your self-worth and taking that step towards improving and refining the way you see yourself, here are some habits I implemented that helped me.
→ Spend time in God's presence. As a devoted believer, I'm now aware of the fact that God is the epitome of love―He's literally love itself―and because He created you and me, He's the only one who can teach us how to truly love the skin we're in. The world and society will forever hold you to their ever-changing standards of beauty, but God's standard will never change. You will always be beautiful in His eyes because you were made in His image. His word tells us that we're fearfully and wonderfully made. This is something that upon hearing for the first time, has since been engraved on my heart.
→ Pray. A lot of times we fall for the misconception that God doesn't care about the trivial things that are important to us (like beauty). In reality, God cares about everything concerning us, including the things we deem insignificant! 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to "Pray without ceasing", and Mark 11:24 lets us know that if we pray for something and believe it will happen, God will indeed bring it to pass (this obviously has contingencies, but again, that's for another time). Trust God with your desire for healthier skin, and watch Him partner with you to make it happen!
→ Change your mindset. Speak life and beauty into the things you're insecure about in regards to yourself. This can look like standing in front of the mirror and listing all of the things you love about your appearance. Then, acknowledge the things you dislike about your appearance and find a way to compliment them.
Ex: "My smile is beautiful. It radiates confidence. My stretchmarks are something I'm insecure about but that doesn't mean they're ugly. They're a testament to the fact that I'm living, breathing, and growing. One day, they'll be something I'm proud of."
→ Set aside time to do the things you love. Get intentional about taking the time to put your gifts, talents, and passions to use. Work on perfecting your craft! It's in us doing these things that we subconsciously remind ourselves that there is so much ahead for us in the future. If we have something to live for, if we're excited about actually getting somewhere and making an impact while doing what we love, we come to the realization that we want to live abundantly in ALL areas, and that includes making sure we're taking care of our temple because it's the only one we've got!
→ Make small changes to your everyday routine. Something I remember hearing someone talk about on YouTube (I can't remember who it was to save my life), was the importance of implementing small changes to our everyday habits when trying to reach a goal. By introducing spontaneity to your routine, your brain will better adjust to the larger changes you're trying to make when the time comes. This can look like simply taking another route when you're on your way to work, brushing your teeth with the opposite hand, waking up earlier than usual, rearranging your room, etc. You'll subconsciously get excited about this new way of doing things, and eventually, your brain will look for new opportunities to implement change, therefore contributing to motivating you to start living your best life.
The past two years have been exceptionally life-changing for me, and although some may look at my skincare journey and label it 'juvenile', I know I've come a long way from the broken, insecure, and hopeless girl I used to be. I'm a testament to the fact that whatever unfavorable state you may find yourself in right now, you do NOT have to stay there. Get up, dust yourself off, and reflect, because change starts with you.
There is no reward in remaining complacent, and I want you to know that even if your journey towards healthier skin is more "rough" and "complicated" than mine, there is nothing too hard for God to fix, but He will require your faith to get you there. It all depends on how badly you want it! Remember that no matter what, you are BEAUTIFUL, you are WORTHY, and you are NEVER TOO FAR GONE.
Talk soon, xoxo
Originally posted on October 23rd, 2021